Emeriti appointed and approved by the Board of Trustees and the University of Utah President, and their spouses or domestic partners, are automatically members of the Emeriti Club. Payment of yearly dues is encouraged, but is voluntary. Dues can be paid by clicking here.
For emeritus faculty members, free membership in the University of Utah Faculty Club is also included as a benefit. An activity fee may be charged for participation in Faculty Club activities.
Discounts & Free Admission
- Discounts at the University of Utah campus store
- Reduced prices for season tickets to Pioneer Theatre Company programs and admission without charge to Thursday dress rehearsals of Pioneer Theatre Company productions
- Reduced price tickets, not to exceed two per game, for individual football and basketball home games, subject to availability of unsold seats.
- Free admission to the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Utah Museum of Natural History and Red Butte Garden.
- Tuition-free enrollment in University, Osher, and most Lifelong Learning classes (fees apply but there is no tuition charge).
- A “Tuition Reduction Form” must be filed and submitted to the University Human Resources department prior to the first day of each semester. Effective Spring 2024, applications will no longer be accepted once the semester begins. Emeriti who sign up for Osher/Continuing Education classes need to submit the Tuition Reduction form prior to the first day of classes in which they are enrolled. For more information, visit the University’s Tuition Reduction website.
- For more information on how to sign up for Osher classes, please click here.
University Building & Borrowing Access
- Access to Eccles Student Life Center and other University physical fitness and recreation facilities, classes, and programs with payment of membership or course fees
- Borrowing privileges at University library facilities
- Use of those Union Building facilities requiring a University ID card
University Software Access & Directory Listing
- Access to U of U software as described in this UIT’s Knowledge Base Article: retained access to BOX, Canvas, CIS, and Umail. In Fall 2023, emeriti also gained access to the Microsoft Suite of cloud-based software. Go to https://www.o365cloud.utah.edu/ and sign in for access. Emeriti also now have access to Zoom through the University. Go to utah.zoom.us and sign in for that access. Other licensed software is generally not available to emeriti so leaving regular faculty status may diminish one’s software access.
- Listing in the University Directory. (If you are not showing up in the directory, please follow these steps to have it corrected.)
Campus Parking & TRAX
- Free parking in campus “Visitor” lots. All lots are automated. Parking is then a matter of entering the automated lots and leaving when you are finished. Click here for a map of Emeriti Club eligible visitor parking lots.
- UTA/TRAX access without payment
- For free campus parking and UTA/TRAX access, please contact Katina.Limberakis@utah.edu with Commuter Services. For parking, be prepared to register your car license plate(s) (maximum of 2).
- Both the parking pass and UTA/TRAX pass expire on August 31 each year. To renew the pass and UTA/TRAX access, please contact Katina.Limberakis@utah.edu by email
- Eligibility to apply for research grants and to spend research funds on behalf of the University, subject to all required approvals.
- Use of University office and laboratory facilities, but only to the extent such facilities can be made available by the cognizant department chairperson or dean within the limits of approved space allocations to the department or college
Group Plan
- Ability to enroll in the Emeriti Club MetLife Legal Plan
- Ability to enroll in the University Group Retiree Health Plans
How to Obtain an Emeriti UCard
Once your Emeritus status is confirmed, you will only have to provide your University ID(UNID) to the UCard office to obtain an Emeritus card. The UCard Office will not be able to mail the card to you when it is ready. You will have to pick it up at one of the two UCard Offices. There is one in the Student Union on the ground floor near the billiard tables, and another in the Hospital. For more information about those locations and their office hours, visit: UofU UCard Offices. That link can also be accessed here: https://ucard.utah.edu/. You can also e-mail them at ucard@utah.edu
Professors Emeriti Club Spouse/Partner Card:
For your spouse/partner to obtain a Spouse/Partner Card, please email the information listed below to Mandy Skonhovd, mandy.skonhovd@utah.edu. Once that is submitted, a University of Utah ID number will be created (or renewed, if issued a UNID previously). The new spouse/domestic partner ID number will be emailed back to you to present at a UCard office to obtain an Emeritus Spouse UCard. The required photo can be taken at that time or can be e-mailed to them at ucard@utah.edu.
Spouse/domestic partner information:
Renewal of Spouse/Partner Card: All emeritus spouses/partners requested as of July 2023 will expire in August 2026, and an update will be done automatically to extend cards for another three years. No need to contact Mandy to renew each year. If you requested an emeritus spouse/partner prior to July 2023, you will likely need to contact Mandy to extend access until August 2026.