Pay for Emeriti luncheons, dues, and special activities by credit card: Click here
Duo and Umail Information for Emeriti: Please click here
Goals/Mission of the Professors Emeriti Club of the University of Utah
- To support mutually beneficial engagement of emeriti with each other and The University of Utah.
- To foster professional and social contacts with colleagues in their own and other disciplines.
- To advocate for and disseminate to emeriti their benefits and rights granted upon appointment.
- To facilitate opportunities for intellectual, social, service, and recreational activities that contribute to the well-being of emeriti and their spouses/partners.
- To encourage financial support of the University and its students.
- To evaluate periodically the needs and interests of Club members as well as the programs and services offered by the Club.
The Emeriti Club has many services and activities available to its over 1000 members and encourages members to create new opportunities. Current offerings include:
- Monthly luncheons during the academic year featuring cross-disciplinary social interactions and stimulating speakers.
- A newsletter listing the club activities, obituaries, information provided by the Board, and an update on issues relevant to Emeriti.
- A website describing benefits provided to emeriti and their spouses/partners through the University.
- A weekly hiking schedule provided by the hiking club
- Weekly interaction with students during the academic year in the Union and residence halls to find common grounds in their interest and concerns.
- Collaborative relationship with the University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
For information about how to obtain an Emeriti Ucard for both you and your spouse, please click on the Emeriti Benefits icon above, or click here.